
Monday, April 30, 2012

Top 2 Winners for ISSC12

So as far as changing the Top 2 Winners post to Sundays to allow for more time...epic fail on my behalf! I'm so sorry everyone! I was out of town all day yesterday and with changing the date of the winners announcement, I completely forgot to write up the post! :( *Tsk* *Tsk* It's a good thing that you guys are so forgiving!!!
For her awesome idea of tilting the vertical strips of paper because it changes the whole feel of the card - in a good way! We also love that one of her sentiments acts as one of the strips :D A lady after my own heart with her camping themed card, that's for sure!

We love that Teresa utilized the strips of paper and her substituted star panel to create an American Flag themed card! Genius!

Congratulations ladies! Please feel free to grab your badge by right clicking and saving them to your computer :)  If you would like to play along with the ISSC13 challenge then please pop on by this post as this is another fun sketch!